Conference interpreting

Interpreter? Why?

Engaging interpreters at your conference or business meeting will boost your credibility as you give all parties the opportunity to express themselves in their mother tongue. Everyone gets a better chance to understand each other’s terms which could be crucial during a business meeting with a potential customer. Participants in an international conference are more actively engaged in discussions and workshops when they can use their mother tongue.

Investing in interpreter will prove its worthwhile: it provides everyone with a fair and equal chance to give a multi-faceted and detailed account of his/her views and reflections and thus, makes a meeting much more efficient.

Interpreting at Arbitration Hearings

The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) is one of the world’s leading forums for dispute resolution which explains why many companies choose Stockholm for their arbitration hearings.

Although most cross-border business is conducted in English, this does not necessarily mean that everyone at an arbitral hearing will be fully comfortable with the English language. This is particularly true in a contentious hearing, where the need of counsel, parties, and arbitrators to fully understand and appreciate the nuances of testimony and documentary evidence is paramount. It is critical that everyone in the arbitral hearing be able to follow along and the interpreters ensure that as little as possible is ”lost in translation.”

Interpreting for EWC – European Work Council

The purpose of a European Works Council (EWC) is to bring together employee representatives from the different European countries in which a multinational company has operations. During EWC meetings, these representatives are informed and consulted by central management on transnational issues of concern to the company’s employees. The EWC Directive has evolved to become an important gauge of compliance with the European standards and practices shaping the European Social Model.

According to the Directive 94/45/EC the representatives participating in EWC meetings are provided with simultaneous interpretation from and into all relevant languages in order to make sure that everyone is involved on an equal footing and has a say in the discussions. Interpreting is a democracy issue!


Polyglott ConInter AB will help you to find experienced conference interpreters for international congresses, business meetings, European Work Council (EWC), Arbitration hearings and many more…

Polyglott ConInter AB – Interpretation that matters!




We select the most relevant interpreter for your assignment and ensure that the interpreter is well prepared. For recurrent assignments for the same customer we do our best to provide continuity and engage the same interpreter

Interpreting equipment

We provide you with top-notch digital equipment for professional simultaneous interpreting at competitive prices. Our technicians are on-site during the entire event to operate the system throughout the conference.


We translate to and from many languages and ensure your documents are accurate and consistent with the appropriate terminology,be it business, law, medicine, technology or multicultural marketing.